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Transform Your Expertise into Leadership with Our Mentor Certification Program & Kickstart Your Mentoring Agency

Empower. Lead. Inspire

Welcome to the opportunity of a lifetime! Whether you're an established professional or an expert in your field, our Mentor Certification Program is designed to elevate your potential. Turn your passion for mentoring into a profitable and impactful business with our comprehensive training and support.

Unlock Government Funding: Save Up to 70%

Starting a new venture shouldn't be overwhelming. That's why we've partnered with the government to offer you funding that covers up to 70% of your training costs. This incredible support makes it easier and more affordable to launch your mentoring agency with minimal initial investment.

Learn from the Best: Consultation with Roland Ang

Guidance is key to success. Book your exclusive consultation with Roland Ang, a seasoned counselor with over 30 years in education. Roland will provide you with a personalized blueprint to establish your mentoring agency in just 30 days, ensuring you have all the tools and knowledge to succeed.

Master Live Streaming and Modern Mentoring Techniques

Our program isn’t just about mentoring—it's about thriving in the digital age. You will:

  • Equip with mentoring skills, processes and AI tools that are effective in imrpoving motivation and productivity.

  • Gain expertise in live streaming to engage mentees and mentoring community globally.

  • Learn how to set up cutting-edge facilities that captivate and educate.

  • Develop robust strategies to grow your client base and maintain engagement

Ready to Start Your Mentoring Agency?

Imagine being the leader you always wanted to be—running your own agency, impacting lives, and leading with confidence. This is not just a dream; it's a call to action. Spaces are limited, and the demand is high. Secure your spot in our program today and make a meaningful difference tomorrow.

Book Your Consultation with Roland Ang Now!

Watch Our Experts' Media Productions

uOk iOk Life Tips

uOk iOk Life Tips

Featured Video
101 LLTTF Ideas
DNA Profiling with Cedric Lee
LIVE TALK SHOW: Knowing Your Significant Other (Part 1) By Roland Ang
More Episodes
Live Stream Session


WSQ Cafe Butterfly - Busking With Sindy

WSQ Cafe Butterfly - Busking With Sindy


WSQ LIVE STREAMING for mentoring and content creation

"Be a master in live streaming."

In this course, learners trained as mentors will also learn how to produce an interactive & engaging live streaming for their mentoring services, education & programme services, that can be shared with their mentees on different online social media platforms. With just a duration of 25.5 hours, be a master in live streaming!

uOk iOk Mentors Resources eStore

uOk iOk eStore
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